Media Events
SMART Exercise Short Video Competition 2020

Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project Announces Results of SMART Exercise Short Video Competition
Awarded entries capture fun indoor SMART Exercise moves
(29 July 2020, Hong Kong) Organised by the Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project (“The Project”), the SMART Exercise Short Video Competition successfully concluded on 30 th May 2020. The competition provided an opportunity for family members to make use of their creativity in coming up with “SMART Exercise” moves under the themes of “SMART & Simple”, “SMART & Fun” and “SMART Family”. It also served to enhance family interactions while highlighting the need to stay healthy amid the pandemic.
The response to the competition was strong. The winning entries, selected by a panel of judges, included the following:
- Champion: “3 SMART Exercises on building blocks – Let’s work out! (「智積運動」三式,齊來做運動!)”
- First runner-up: “In solidarity, we build healthy bodies! (同心合力 齊做運動!)” and
- Second runner-up: “It can be very fun to exercise at home (在家運動其實可以好fun)”
In addition, three entries received the “Most Creative Entry Awards (「最多FUN創意智運動」作品大獎)”. The winning videos used dance forms, small props, information and communications technology (ICT) tools, creativity and teamwork to show how family members could remain physically active indoors. The Project, which has organised a variety of activities including the competition, was initiated by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust in collaboration with The University of Hong Kong (School of Public Health in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, and the Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative) and non-governmental organisations. The Project aims to make effective use of ICT and data analytics, and leverage cross-sectoral collaboration, with a view to enhancing the quality and efficiency of family services.
The organising committee of the competition hopes that more people will exercise smartly without being constrained by the lack of time, space, money or equipment. The video submissions showed that simple physical activities are fun and can be carried out anytime and anywhere. The committee also supports enhanced communications among family members. Through SMART Exercise, they can inspire each other, add fun to their daily lives and strengthen family bond.
Professor Lam Tai-hing, Sir Robert Kotewall Professor in Public Health, Chair Professor of Community Medicine of School of Public Health, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKU), has long been promoting the practice of SMART Exercise which, although straightforward, can foster positive energy. Professor Lam, one of the judges of the competition, said, “Our Project Team encourages family members to avoid sitting for long periods of time without moving. The fact that we are confined at home and have reduced physical activity could harm one’s health. Risks include obesity, back or lower back pain, poor blood circulation and other diseases.” Lam said that the Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project’s video competition hoped to encourage families to keep both their bodies and minds moving. The short videos were more than just entries to the event. They also signified parental love and positive energy which can be shared with relatives and friends in times of adversity.
Apart from the competition, the Project Team has been offering assistance and family-friendly electronic resources to members of the public to help them overcome challenges brought about by the pandemic. Such innovative materials, which are currently available on the Project’s Family Portal, include mobile game apps developed by the Project Team, electronic messages and sticker packs ready to be shared with family members, as well as simple cookery and handicraft tutorials. The Project Team hopes that the e-resources will serve to further cross-generational communications within a family.
The winning entries of the SMART Exercise Short Video Competition have been uploaded onto the Project’s [Family Portal] and its social media platform (https://www.facebook.com/jcsmartfamilylink/). Members of the public are welcome to participate in and share the creative SMART Exercise moves.
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